Course Outline


  • How SRE marries traditional IT and software development.
  • The need for automation and observability
  • The role of a software engineers vs system administrators.
  • Site Reliability Engineers vs DevOps engineers.

Overview of an IT System

  • System architecture, on-premise and in the cloud.

Overview of SRE Principles and Practices

  • Infrastructure as a Code.
  • The role of containerization and orchestration (Docker, Kubernetes, etc.)
  • Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment and Continuous Delivery.
  • Observability.

Evaluating an IT System

  • Taking stock of the team and organizational resources.
  • Maping out the systems and processes.
  • Estimating the potential impact of SRE.
  • The role the software engineering team.
  • The role of the operational team.
  • The role of management.

Maintaining the Reliability of a System

  • Describing and measuring the desired reliability of a service.
  • Understanding Service Level Objectives (SLOs)
  • Understanding Service Level Indicators (SLIs) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
  • Working with Error Budgets.
  • Developing an SLO.

Optimizing System Administration

  • Setting up a development environment
  • Evaluating SRE tools
  • Prioritizing tasks for automation.
  • Writing software.

Deploying "Infrastructure as Code"

  • Testing and iterating code
  • Making a system anti-fragile
  • Learning from failure

Monitoring a System

  • Observing system performance.
  • SRE tools and techniques.

The Future of SRE

Summary and Conclusion


  • A general understanding of IT infrastructure.
  • A general idea of the software development process.
  • Programming or scripting experience in any language.


  • Developers
  • System administrators
  • Software Architects
  • DevOps engneers
  • IT Managers
 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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